Feb 21, 2009

Application Form

I have been trying to upload the application on this blogspot. I have not been successful with it. I will need to play with it a little more. In meantime, please contact me for the form at karen5d@yahoo.com. Thanks.

Feb 1, 2009

Mirror Lake State Park Camping

It is offical! The dates have been picked for the next WIKODA camping and it is August 6 to 10th!! Sarah and few others have reserved the campground #301, 302, 303 and 306 (I think) and that is limit to 80 people. Be sure to pay Sarah Peeks (peeks_05@yahoo.com) $3.00 per person asap. There is a waiting list but some people may back out. Check with Sarah!

For those who prefers popups or rv or other type of camping than tents, be sure to contact the Park directly yourself.

FundRaising Idea

Janet Kunz is helping to pass out information to parents who may be interested in doing fundraising to be able to afford the $800 to send their kid to the KODA Camp this year. This is a fun event and many of you are expert in this. Joe Corbis Company is the place where we sell their products. There are many good stuff in the catalog. I couldn't make copies of every page but you can go to their website, wwwjoecorbisdirect.com and get additional information or contact Janet Kunz to mail you the catalog. Her email is jkunz2@wi.rr.com or vp at 262-703-0556. Remember, the deadline is March 14th!!

WIKODA Bowling on Jan 31st

The event at the KingPin Bowling Alley in West Bend to raise funds for the WIKODAs was fun! It was great to see 20+ kids bowling for a cause! Pictures will be included at a later date. Eight six dollars was raised! Kudos to Denise Pribnow and Sarah Peeks for their hard work!

Next event?!! PLENTY! For sure, WAD conference on June 18th and 19th and WIKODA Camping from August 6th to 9th at the Mirror Lake State Park.